Introducing the Liss Brazil Nanoplasty treatment

  • High-quality hair treatment.

  • Progressive straightening treatment

  • Safe and gentle treatment. Formaldehyde-free.

  • Up to 100% straight after one treatment.

  • NO DOWNTIME required for washing and tying up hair, swimming and exercising.


  • We use Liss Brazil Nanoplasty which has long-lasting effect so you can enjoy stunning hair for up to 4 months.

    Safe and Gentle - formulated without formaldehyde, safe for all hair types.

    Blond-Friendly - perfect for blond hair, enhances every shade.

    Vegan & Cruelty-Free

  • Indulge in the ultimate pampering with our anxiety-free, silent appointments.

    To accommodate for diversity of our clients, we offer a stress-free environment where clients have the option for calmer experience - music is lowered and chatting ceases so the client enjoys the sound of silence during their appointment. The only conversation required is the initial consultation.

    No mental list of conversation and awkward silences.

  • A complimentary consultation to discuss how BKT works.

Experience our exceptional Nanoplasty treatment and book an appointment with us today. Our mission is to provide you with silky smooth and frizz-free hair that lasts.

With a focus on quality and customer satisfaction, we are dedicated to helping you unlock your hair's true potential.